June 2024

The Journey of a Pixel in a React Application

Join us as we explore the journey of a pixel in rendering a React application, from typing a URL to final rendering and user interaction. Each step will be covered, explaining what happens, why it happens, and how to optimize it for better performance. This talk is perfect for web developers looking to enhance their understanding of web applications rendering process and improve application efficiency.
December 2023

AI funnel optimization

In this talk, we'll be discussing a common problem we faced in Wilco - users getting stuck when building quests. Despite having a clear understanding of what they needed to do, they were still unable to complete the task. We suspected that writer's block may have been the culprit and decided to introduce the Wilco AI bot as a writing partner. This allowed users to collaborate and build the perfect quest they had in mind. We'll be sharing our experience with implementing this solution and how it can potentially help others facing similar challenges. Join us for an informative discussion on how to overcome creative obstacles with the help of AI technology.
October 2018

The Redux State of the Art

Building complex Android apps these days might have some nasty challenges - syncing the data across the app, controlling any action the user does, processes that happen in the background, or even handling all kinds of errors.
Luckily enough, Android developers are not the first to face these problems, so let's try to leverage existing solutions for our own good!
In this talk, we'll share with you how Redux solved the problem of state management for Web developers and how we can use the same principles and integrate them into our Android apps.

Presented at Droidcon conference (Israel)
January 2021

The Mysterious Journey of Becoming a Senior Engineer

Growing internally inside an organization might feel sporadic and unstructured. As an engineer, you’re not sure what exactly you need to do to get to the next level while as a manager, you usually don’t have the right tools to support your team members and help them grow.
In this session, we’ll share a framework that helped us and others grow in a couple of roles, and that you and your manager can use to make the journey clearer and more effective

As presented at:

slides avilable here
June 2019

"Micro Frontends"- You Keep Using That Word, I Don’t Think It Means What You Think It Means

"Micro Frontends" is the new buzzword in the Frontend world, but too many times people use it in the wrong context or with different things in mind.
Micro Frontends can refer to different kinds of solutions that solve different types of problems - starting from using different UI frameworks on the same app or letting different teams work on separate parts of the code independently.
In this session, we'll go over the different problems we have when building a big app and how different Micro Frontends solutions can help with this.

As presented at:

slides avilable here
June 2019

Good Rules for Bad Apps

Building a decent app is easy these days. There are plenty of tutorials, videos and blog post about it.
In this session, I’ll go over some of the top mistakes that every one of us is doing while building their app. This will cover all the aspects of building a bad app- technical, UI & UX, and product. So each one of you will be able to adapt their favorite bad pattern and ruin their app.

As presented at:

slides avilable here
October 2018

The Redux State of the Art

Building complex Android apps these days might have some nasty challenges - syncing the data across the app, controlling any action the user does, processes that happen in the background, or even handling all kinds of errors.
Luckily enough, Android developers are not the first to face these problems, so let's try to leverage existing solutions for our own good!
In this talk, we'll share with you how Redux solved the problem of state management for Web developers and how we can use the same principles and integrate them into our Android apps.

Presented at Droidcon conference (Israel)
June 2018

F*ck You Startup World

Why is everybody an entrepreneur now?

Presented at BrainBar conference (Budapest, Hungary)
April 2018

The Future of Work(ers)

Our work environment has been rapidly changing in the last couple of years. As a new generation of workers joins the workforce, companies are encountering employees with a new set of professional values. Can they meet the needs of this new generation of workers?
In this session, I will talk about my own journey in a startup - from the first days of the company until its acquisition by a corporation. By combining social research and my own story, I will examine how our new workforce is reconceptualizing their professional needs, values, and personal investment in the work they are doing.

Presented at ADC Festival (Hamburg, Germany)
November 2017

Android Developer Toolbox (2017)

The Android world is full of great people that built great stuff and published it for saving other a lot of time. In this talk, we’ll go over a list of must-have libraries, tools, and resources every Android developer should know to make their Android development much easier and help them build better apps in less time.
September 2016

Good rules for Bad apps

Building a decent app is easy this days, there are plenty of tutorials, videos and blog post about it. In this session I’ll try to go over some of the top mistakes that everyone of us is doing while building his app. This will cover all the aspects of building bad app- technical, UI & UX, and product. So each one of you will be able to adapt his own favorite bad pattern and ruin his app.

slides avilable here
June 2016

Building android apps with Kotlin

Kotlin is a statically typed programming language for the JVM, Android and the browser. More and more in the Android community start using Kotlin, we’ll see why and how you can do it too.

slides avilable here
May 2016

Building Android apps with Firebase

Firebase (By Google) lets you store and sync data with NoSQL cloud database. In this session, we’ll build an app that easily syncs data between multiple devices using cloud database.
January 2016

Android dev toolbox (Part 2)

This is the second part of the Android dev toolbox lecture. This time we’ll focus on a collection of tools and resources that will help you build better apps in less time.
December 2015

Android dev toolbox (Part 1)

A list of must-have tools every Android developer should know. In this part, I'm focusing on third libraries that make your Android development much esier.
June 2015

Know what (not) to build

My talk from DroidCon Tel-Aviv 2015:
In the start-up world, everybody works hard - but they don't necessarily work hard on the right things. In this talk we'll be covering the tools that Android offers that allow teams to efficiently zero-in on actually working on what's important to their users without wasting too much time. I'll be using examples from our experience at MyRoll; what mistakes we encountered with regards to working on the right things and how these specific tools helped us get back on track.
June 2014

Android UI tips & tricks

My talk from DroidCon Tel-Aviv 2014:
I'll share development tips while explaining how things work under-the-hood. As part of this talk, I'll demonstrate the right way of working with images, custom views, ListViews, and Animations, with an emphasis of how to make your app feel slick and fast on all Android devices.